Physiological and motor effects of weight loss in weight-class athletes: A review study
lightweight athletes, weight reduction methods , weight control, physiological effectsAbstract
This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the practice of weight control through lightweight sports. Six main topics were examined: factors that cause lightweight athletes to lose weight, weight loss methods, dehydration, guiding factors in the weight loss process, energy systems used in wrestling and physiological negative effects of weight loss. Research indicates that athletes often resort to methods involving health risks, such as nutritional restrictions, sauna use, and diuretics, in addition to motivational and physiological factors influencing athletes' weight loss decisions. Emphasis is placed on the importance of athletes adopting a conscious and balanced strategy for weight control. Dehydration is identified as a frequently used method in the weight loss process, highlighting the importance of maintaining fluid-electrolyte balance. Furthermore, understanding the energy systems and physiological effects used in wrestling is deemed crucial for athletes to preserve their performance and avoid jeopardizing their health. In conclusion, the necessity for wrestlers to conscientiously balance their health and performance in weight control practices is emphasized. This study aims to raise awareness and provide guidance for athletes to adopt healthy weight control strategies.
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