An Examination of Achievement Motivation Levels Among Middle- and Long-Distance Runners
Achievement motivation, middle and long distance runners, motivationAbstract
The objective of this study is to examine the achievement motivation levels of middle- and long-distance runners in relation to a number of demographic and sport-related variables. The sample comprises 252 athletes aged 18 and above who participated in the Turkish Athletics Championships, including 138 men and 114 women. A descriptive research model was employed, and data were gathered through the administration of demographic information and sport-specific achievement motivation scales. The data were analysed using t-tests for independent groups and one-way ANOVA. The findings indicated that specific demographic and sporting variables exert a notable influence on achievement motivation. No significant difference was observed in motivation levels based on gender. However, athletes competing on behalf of a club exhibited higher motivation scores. Additionally, age and educational level were identified as significant factors, particularly in the domains of "power demonstration" and "approaching success." Moreover, motivation, particularly within the domain of power demonstration, was observed to increase significantly with higher training frequency. These findings emphasise the significance of individual and environmental factors, including age, educational level and training frequency, in influencing achievement motivation. A comprehensive examination of these motivational structures across diverse sports and demographic groups could offer invaluable insights for the development of effective sport management and motivation strategies. Furthermore, the assessment of sport-specific motivation in relation to social belonging, resource availability and longitudinal studies could provide crucial data for the design of strategies to enhance athlete motivation.
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