The Expectations of Parents of Students Attending Special Education Schools Regarding Physical Education and Sports Lessons
individuals with disabilities, physical education and sports, special education , special education practice schoolsAbstract
The objective of this study is to investigate parental expectations for physical education and sports classes in special education schools, and to analyze these expectations based on various variables. The study population includes parents and legal guardians of students attending special education schools in Ankara province. The sample size is 332 individuals, randomly selected, including 256 females and 76 males. The research employed the Parental Attitude Scale, as the data collection instrument. Due to the normal distribution of the data, parametric tests were used. Descriptive statistics were utilized to determine the expectation levels of parents. The research findings indicate that female participants had higher expectations from physical education classes than males. Significant differences were observed between the functional, supportive, and importance sub-dimensions of the parental attitude scale and age groups, favoring participants aged 29 and below for the former and those aged 40 and above for the latter. Additionally, participants with postgraduate education held higher expectations for physical education classes compared to those with lower levels of education. In conclusion, parents' expectations for physical education classes in special education schools were found to be moderate. These findings highlight the significance of increasing parental awareness regarding the beneficial impact of sports on individuals with disabilities and altering their attitudes towards sports to encourage broad participation among this population.
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